Kissing Bug: NJ Dangerous Pests
Despite their pleasant-sounding name, kissing bugs have more than earned [...]
28 April
Despite their pleasant-sounding name, kissing bugs have more than earned [...]
14 April
Mosquitoes are infamous for their annoying ability to ruin any [...]
25 May
During this month of May, wants to remind you that ticks are dangerous and can cause serious illnesses. May is also the month when the CDC warned us about the increased populations this year. The milder winters may feel nice, but that means fewer bugs died off in the cold. Now we are dealing [...]
06 October
Bug bites are just something you have to deal with as a resident of the planet Earth. But there is one bug that seems to creep people out more than almost any other. It isn't because it is the biggest. It isn't because it is the hairiest. It isn't even because it brings with it [...]
30 June
The “Dog Days of Summer” is a period of time in which a geographical area experiences the hottest and muggiest part of the summer. With the dog days of summer upon us here in New Jersey, it seemed like a good idea to focus this blog post on dogs (and cats) and how to protect [...]
19 May
Spring events encompass a variety of outdoor activities from yard work and landscaping to BBQs, camping and hiking. Families have looked forward to these fun-filled activities with great anticipation after such a long, arduous winter. However, there is one looming thought that can quickly put a damper on things. The very thought of a small, [...]
16 August
Stink bugs aren’t the only fall pests that seek winter harborage inside northern New Jersey homes . NJ pest control services warn that a number of insects native to New Jersey are perennial fall invaders. These insects creep into NJ homes in the fall looking for a safe, warm place to spend the cold winter [...]
13 August
Stink bug populations have reached record numbers in northern New Jersey. Hundreds of brown marmorated stink bugs are being captured in counting traps monitored by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Where a single night’s capture might have resulted in 30 stink bugs last year, NJ entomologists are finding 200 to 400 of the crop-eating [...]
11 August
The warm, wet spring and hot summer months have created ideal conditions for the explosion of New Jersey insect populations. Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, pill bugs, centipedes, bees, beetles, flies, wasps – everywhere you look insects are crawling, creeping or flying. NJ pest control experts are calling 2011 a record bug summer. The latest insect that [...]